Stuart Black
3 min readMar 24, 2021

Untitled Story…of my writing life.

This is an article I wrote on 30th of January, 2018.

The Past

The 30th January 2018 was the day I decided to start writing on Medium. Mustering up enough courage to put myself out there in the world of writers, keyboard fighters, and do-righters.

Reflecting on the reasons why I did not start, there was only one that was prominent I was scared that I was not good. It wasn’t even the fact that they might never be read or that there may never be engagement but rather the fact that they would be slap bang average. (The whole slap-bang average saga will be covered in a future article.)

But like many things in life you are very close to terrible at them in the beginning. Writing has always been one of the things that I struggled with. Even though I had a blog (I believed it to be the first and only touch rugby focussed blog which had come about as a digital dairy when I attend a World Cup — I will applaud you if you are able to give it up) I never thought I was good at it.

My grammar, spelling, and writing ability has always been less than impressive and I have this talent for missing out keywords in messages and emails. On a note similar, my vernacular is half decent and I can get about. I have claimed to have a silver tongue (non-sexual) and others have said I have the gift of the gab. I have never been too interested in those comments, as you need to feel like you are good at something to believe the praise.

So, where does that leave me now?

I simply did not read as a youngster apart from the odd Goosebumps book. I never filled my time and weekends with a varied reading of interesting biographies, self-help books, and anything that would expand my mind — I always considered myself to be a hands-on learner. Doing, seeing, and feeling will make you remember.

To date, I have read than 20 books, something that I am brutally ashamed of because I preached the benefits of reading to my friends for many years. It was like a pot calling the kettle uneducated but never even having a cup of tea. (If this does make sense you are sensing my oddness towards preaching the read-life but not following). Finally, I was fed up with not reading after reading (mainly online) and hearing that it is the single most important thing that you can do for your success.

I am sure we have all gone down the habit rabbit hole at some stage but I have now made it a habit to read first thing in the morning and last thing at night. That may be 50 pages or 5 sentences but I never falter unless it is planned. Much like the reading, I have decided to take on the task of writing and documenting my thoughts in my own voice — a writing voice I think it is called.

I am brutally unsure where this is going to go other than knowing that my articles are going to be varied and straight from my mind onto the page.

Let’s hope this becomes a habit.

The Present

It is the 24th of March, 2020.

Reflecting on the above, there has been incremental gains in my reading and writing (hey, this is my second Medium article). In order to master communication, you need both written and verbal abilities in your toolkit.

But once again, let’s hope this becomes a habit.

Stuart Black

Entrepreneur | Collector of Ideas | Global Citizen | Self-Proclaimed Hustler | Plant-based Athlete | Progressive Philanthropist